One of the most intimidating hurdles for nonfiction authors is the crazy maze of publishing. Now there is a guidebook to help you leap that hurdle and emerge from the labyrinth victorious.
It’s called The Nonfiction Book Publishing Plan: The Professional Guide to Profitable Self-Publishing, by Stephanie Chandler and Karl Palachuk. I’m so sold on this book, I’m even making it available here, at my affiliate link.
Why You Want This Book
First, these authors are sharing wisdom gained in their combined three decades in the changing world of nonfiction publishing–both traditional and self-publishing.
Stephanie Chandler, founder and CEO of the Nonfiction Authors Association, is also the author of several books including The Nonfiction Book Marketing Plan and a frequent speaker at writers’ conferences and events.
Karl W. Palachuk is the author of several books including Relax, Focus, Succeed. He is also a consultant to IT consultants and a frequent blogger at and
But you don’t have to take these authors’ word alone. Between chapters, they insert interviews with additional successful authors, letting you in on what has—and hasn’t—worked for others.
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”It’s Not Just About the Book”
Second, let’s back up and look at the subtitle of this book: The Professional Guide to Profitable Self-Publishing. Strategizing to maximize your profit opportunities must happen up front–even before writing–Chandler and Palachuk contend. They encourage you to view your book as “a first step in building a highly profitable business.”
”It’s not just about the book, it’s about all the opportunities you can create around the book… it’s also about how you can make your own dent in the universe along the way.”
-Stephanie Chandler and Karl Palachuk
With that in mind, the authors devote an entire chapter to helping you develop spin-off opportunities beyond your book.
How-to’s, Checklists, and tips
Third, The Nonfiction Book Publishing Plan then moves into the nuts and bolts of writing, marketing, and distributing your book. Covering all these aspects of publishing in one place makes this book an indispensable reference. With this guidebook in hand, your journey through the maze of self-publishing will be far less intimidating.
That’s because in The Nonfiction Book Publishing Plan, the authors:
- decipher BISAC codes and ISBN numbers
- explain how to register your copyright and how to set book prices
- distinguish between hybrid publishing, print on demand, and offset printing
- describe the distribution channels open to you
- give you insider tips on navigating the murky waters of Amazon
- lay out the steps to a successful book launch
- deal with details like sales tax, disclaimers, and how to track your cash flow
Throughout the book you’ll find links to checklists, templates, and other downloads you can use to implement the actionable tips just covered.
For an overview of the range of topics covered in detail in Nonfiction Book Publishing Plan, click on the image below to download their “Super Simple Checklist to Self-Publishing” (made available here with the authors’ permission).
Equipping Authors for Success
Before leaving you to go out and succeed as they have, the authors give you pages and pages of author resources. Arranged by topic, they cover everything from writer groups to legal counsel, from shipping options to email marketing services, as well as tools for your writing, your website, and your business operations.
You may find this resource list alone makes the book worth your investment.
I asked to receive an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. Now I can honestly recommend this book to you and to all my author clients wholeheartedly. If you plan to publish a nonfiction book, you need The Nonfiction Book Publishing Plan—whether you write your own book or hire me to write it for you.
So when you’re ready to grab the industry’s most up-to-date guidebook to the maze of nonfiction publishing, please use my affiliate link to get your copy.
Then go conquer the labyrinth!
Don’t let the labyrinth of self-publishing
keep your book from getting out to those who need it.
I’m here to simplify your writing tasks,
including the pre-writing planning that can steer your book toward success.
Contact me today.
Please note: On this page, all links to books on Amazon are affiliate links. I appreciate your support by purchasing these books through my links.
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