About Karen Ingle: Editor, Author, and more
Karen Ingle thrives on helping good, thinking people use powerful words to positively impact the world. She knows how challenging it can be to slow down long enough to write—and write well—the thoughts and stories churning around in busy minds. That’s why she loves stepping in to lighten others’ loads by getting that writing done.
She believes individuals actively engaged in making this world a better place deserve a strong voice, whether or not their names or organizations are well-known. Getting to know her clients with their hopes and dreams turns all her business into pleasure.

A Professional Writing career
Karen launched her professional writing career as she finished homeschooling the last of her five children and sent them soaring into college. She then leveraged her background in college newspaper journalism to pick up projects that included feature articles (over 70 articles for one online publication alone); faith-based nonprofit website content, blog posts, speeches, and newsletters; and a ghostwritten memoir. From there, word-of-mouth referrals have connected her with even more fascinating groups and individuals seeking a collaborator who could craft or refine their messaging through writing, editing, and proofreading.
A lifelong learner, Karen still draws upon her experiences working in the fields of education (elementary through college), financial planning, and engineering. She has lived among farmers and orthodontists and found them all intriguing. Curiosity drives her to observe and discover all she can, familiarizing herself with a wide variety of topics. For Karen, every conversation, every experience, every story she hears is a treasure: raw material ready to inform her next novel or her understanding of a client’s project. (Sometimes both.)
Spreading hope, love and coffee
Karen Ingle believes in being honest and trustworthy, listening carefully to understand differing viewpoints, and loving her neighbors. She gravitates toward people and messages that strengthen families, encourage the downhearted and downtrodden, and equip human beings to be all they were created for. (Oh, and coffee. She definitely gravitates toward coffee.)
So if you have a hope-filled message you want to share, Karen would love to hear about it. Preferably over a cup of coffee.